Step 8 - Your First Event without the JavaScript Library

Try sending data to Kissmetrics through one of our integrations or other API libraries.


  • If you have the relevant data, try importing a small sample of events and properties by uploading a CSV file, using email addresses as the person’s identity.
  • Investigate which integrations you may be able to use.


  • You can import data from the past, if you have that past data available per person.
  • CSV files are a viable option for people of any technical level. The only difficulty is in converting the dates to timestamps that are computer-readable. One tool for doing this is Epoch Converter.
  • When we merge data together from several data sources, we try to match up the imported data with data already in your account using each person’s identity as a guide. So if our JavaScript library has identified, and you import more data about, we combine Bob’s activity to give you one picture of what he was doing.
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