Step 6 - What We Mean by "People"


Try segmenting your reports by `Customer ID`. Each row of data now represents an individual person.


  1. People are the core element in your KM data. When you report on your events, you’re looking up which people are doing these events. When you use properties to create segments, you’re looking up which people are grouped into each segment. In fact, our People Search is designed to help you get a list of people who meet certain criteria.
  2. People are represented by “identities”.
  3. We can combine data from different sources about one person, if that data is attributed to one of the person’s identities.

An example:

  • nbTo2Y6gBMjpu12wKz5pgPBeIXk= did the event Visited Site - a JS API event.
  • did the event Signed Up - a MySQL event.
  • did the event Purchased - a Recurly event.
  • If KM knows that nbTo2Y6gBMjpu12wKz5pgPBeIXk= and represent the same person, we will combine the data from JS, MySQL, and Recurly to form a more holistic picture about this person.
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