Step 5 - What We Mean by "Properties"


Try segmenting your reports with properties that we have already collected for you, like `URL` or `Referrer`. We will also go into `Customer ID` in the next section.


  1. In Kissmetrics, Properties helps you divide similar people into different buckets, so that you can more easily compare groups of people and take action. This act of dividing is known as “Segmentation” in any analytics tool.
  2. You also capture numeric data like Revenue as Properties, which lets you do numeric calculations like Sums and Averages.
  3. “Property” technically refers to what dimension you’re segmenting on, the “Value” of the property refers to what segementation group this person belongs to.
  4. Properties describe segments of people. They are stored for each person even though you can set properties at the same time you record events.

Common ways we’ll talk about properties:

  • “Set a property” or “a property was set”
  • “3 people had the Referrer property set to ‘Google’””
  • “3 people had the value ‘Google’ set for the Referrer property”
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