
Use our Funnels to examine your visitors’ progression through one of your flows. You can answer questions like: Of the people who did X, how many of continued and did Y? And how many of those people continued and did Z?

Example: Show me the people who Visited Site -> Signed Up For Trial -> Upgraded in the last month.

Funnels are located among your account’s reports. Or, jump into creating a new funnel by following this link.

Name and Date Picker

At the top of each funnel, you can name the report to refer to it in the future. You can also set the date range to report on. You can pick from a few quick date ranges:

  • Today (since we are constantly processing new event data, your “Today” data may be about 30 minutes behind)
  • Yesterday
  • Last 7 or 30 days
  • This Month
  • Last Month

Of course, you are still free to pick a specific date range.

Date Picker

Notice in the screenshot, there is a checkbox to see the people who entered the funnel after the initial step. We’ll get to that in the next section, The Results.

The Results

After you run the report, we show you the number of people who did the events of the funnel in order. The person could have done the events across multiple browsing sessions, as long as they did the events in order during the date range of your report. We also show the intermediary and overall conversion rates.

The Funnel

You might want to see the number of times each event was done, rather than the number of people. This is an option when you further segment your funnels with properties.

Show People Who Skipped Steps

However, if you want to include people who did the events out of order, or skipped steps, that’s where the checkbox from above comes in.

  1. After your funnel has loaded, click “Edit Report” again.
  2. Check the checkbox to “Show the __ people who entered this funnel after (Event #1)”


Let’s see how this works with an example funnel that has five steps: Event 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5

  • Someone does steps 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4

    • With or without the checkbox, we show that this person has progressed all the way through step 4.
  • Someone does steps 1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 5

    • Without the checkbox, we show that they did 1 -> 2, and that’s it. Since they skipped step 3, they are not counted as having done the entire funnel.

    • With the checkbox (show those who skipped steps), we show that they did 1 -> 2 and then also 4 -> 5.

  • Someone does steps 1 -> 2 -> 5 -> 4

    • Without the checkbox, we show that they did 1 -> 2.

    • With the checkbox, we show that they did 1 -> 2 -> 4. They didn’t do step 5 after step 4, and we are looking for event completion in chronological order.

  • Someone does steps 1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 3 -> 5

    • With the checkbox, we show that they did 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 5. This is similar to the example above, where we try to look for each next step in chronological order. That is, after step 2, we look for the next time the person did step 3. And then after step 3, the next time the person did step 4, and so on.

Segment Your Funnel with Properties

Below the events in the funnel, you can select any of your Kissmetrics properties to segment your funnel even further.


This lets you see answer questions like:

  • What is the breakdown of the funnel by referral site? (select the Referrer property)
  • How are your different ads performing against each other? (select one of the Campaign properties)
  • Is an A/B test impacting this funnel? (select the property that contains your A/B test data)
  • (For SaaS) Do people on different Plan Levels behave differently? (select the Plan Level property if you are using it) Kissmetrics contains some advanced settings to fine-tune the Properties you see in your funnel reports. Here’s an explanation of what these options do and when you may wish to change from our defaults.

Units of Measurement

Total People

Kissmetrics will show the total number of people who performed each action. Even if one single person performed an action 1,000 times, they would be represented by a 1 in the report.

Use this for: You probably want to stick with this default for signup flows, upgrade flows, downgrade flows.

Total Times

Kissmetrics has tracked the discrete number of times each action was performed, regardless of whether it was performed by one or many people. If one single person performed an action 1,000 times, they would be represented by 1,000 in the report.

Use this for: You may want to switch to this option when you’re looking at usage, referrals, repeat purchases.

Property Options

First “property name” ever

First “referrer” ever means we will show the referrer that drove a person to your site the very first time, even if their first visit came before the start date of the funnel.

Use this for: identifying how people initially discovered your site.

Last “property name” ever

Last “referrer” ever means we will show the referrer that drove a person to your site the most recent time, even if that visit came after the end date of the funnel.

Use this for: identifying what source is driving people to your site right now.

First “property name” starting “starting date of report”

Kissmetrics will show the first referrer that drove a person to your site within the selected funnel dates.

Use this for: seeing if a specific campaign initially drove people to your site within a known timeframe.

Last “property name” up until “ending date of report”

Last referrer up to Mar 1 means we will show the referrer that drove a person to your site the most recent time within the selected funnel dates.

Use this for: comparing this to the previous setting to see if people returned to your site via a different referrer within a known timeframe.

“property name” at the time of “some step of this report”

“Referrer” up to Event 2 means we will show the Referrer that drove a person to your site leading up to or during the time they did Event 2 in the funnel.

Use this for: to see what drove a person to your site on the occasion immediately prior to them signing up, for example.

Formatting Options


None is the data exactly as Kissmetrics receives it; no changing of capitalization or interpreting the data type.


Kissmetrics converts everything to lower-case text.


Kissmetrics shows the full URL for referrer, campaign source, and any other URL-based properties. If that property doesn’t exist, the value Direct appears, as if someone was referred directly to your site.

Use this for: preserving exact data and being able to click directly on links to see the source page.

URL - Domain only

URL (Domain only) groups together all of the referrer URLs from the same domain, such as individual Facebook or Twitter pages or Google search results.

Use this for: consolidating all Facebook/Twitter/search results referrers, or any other sets of referrers that share a common domain.

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